Chabot College 2024-2026 75 STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAMS CALWORKS CalWORKs (California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids) is the statewide comprehensive education/job training, job services, and job placement program. TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) provides time-limited benefits to TANF recipients who must be involved in work/job training activities as part of the Federal Welfare Reform. Chabot provides training programs in collaboration with the County of Alameda for TANF/CalWORKs adult recipients in one- and two-parent families. Individualized education/training plans are developed which include classes that provide skills required for success in college and prepare the student for entering the workforce. Support services include counseling, tutoring, career assessment, job search/preparation, and job placement. The goal of the individualized education and training program is gainful employment. Through cooperation with the Alameda County Social Services Agency, other support services, such as childcare and transportation can be provided. For further information contact the CalWORKs program second floor, Building 700 or call 510-723-6985 CHANGE IT NOW! (CIN) CIN is a rigorous, academic, leadership program designed to empower students interested in social change, who would also like to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Within their designated courses, students may have the opportunity to self- select various community issues to explore such as: education, health care, budget cuts, environmental issues, poverty, violence and any other issues that they find relevant to their lives. CIN students build strong relationships with each other and develop skills to become leaders in their communities. For more information go to DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY CENTER FOR EDUCATION (ACE) The Accessibility Center for Education (ACE) offers support services for students with disabilities. Any student with a verified physical, communication, psychological, or learning disability is eligible for services. Support services include direct services, and campus and community referrals. Counselors are available in the Center to assist students with academic and vocational goals. Counselors are also available for personal counseling and community referrals. Direct services include assistance with academic planning, registration, new student orientation, mobility assistance, ASL interpreters, and alternative testing. Available for student use are braille writers, closed circuit TVs for visually impaired, and an extensive High Tech Center with adapted computer equipment. Students are encouraged to participate in the Able-Disabled Club. The Club sponsors activities for both disabled and non- disabled members at Chabot College. The ACE is located in Building 2400. The telephone number is (510) 723-6725. HIGH-TECH CENTER Computers with state-of-the-art adaptive hardware and software make up the High-Tech Center. Programs include screen readers, screen magnifiers, and programs to assist students in reading textbooks by use of a scanner. The Center also provides other programs to help students learn keyboarding and word processing, as well as software assigned by other instructors.