118 Chabot College 2024-2026 STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIRED REPORTS TO LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Any report of willful homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, sexual assault, or hate crime, committed on or off campus, that is received by a campus security authority and made by the victim for the purposes of notifying the institution or law enforcement must be immediately, or as soon as practicably possible, disclosed to the local law enforcement agency. The report shall not identify the victim, unless the victim consents to being identified after the victim has been informed of their right to have their personally identifying information withheld. If the victim does not consent to being identified, the alleged assailant shall not be identified in the information disclosed to the local law enforcement agency unless the institution determines that both of the following apply, in which case the institution shall disclose the identity of the alleged assailant to the local law enforcement agency and notify the victim of the disclosure: • the alleged assailant represents a serious or ongoing threat to the safety of students, employees, or the institution; and • the immediate assistance of the local law enforcement agency is necessary to contact or detain the assailant. Approved: August 18, 2015, Revised April 2017 Board Reviewed: April 18, 2023 DISTRICT BOARD POLICY BP 3540 SEXUAL AND OTHER ASSAULTS ON CAMPUS REFERENCES Education Code Sections 67382, 67385, and 67386; 20 U.S. Code Section 1092(f); 34 Code of Federal Regulations Section 668.46(b)(11) Any sexual assault or physical abuse, including, but not limited to rape as defined by California law, whether committed by an employee, student or member of the public, that occurs on District property, is a violation of District policies and procedures, and is subject to all applicable punishment, including criminal procedures and employee or student discipline procedures consistent with state and federal law. Students, faculty, and staff who may be victims of sexual and other assaults shall be treated with dignity and provided comprehensive assistance. The Chancellor shall establish administrative procedures that ensure that students, faculty, and staff who are victims of sexual and other assaults receive appropriate information and treatment, and that educational information about preventing sexual violence is provided and publicized as required by law. The procedures shall meet the criteria contained in Education Code Sections 67385 and 67385.7, and 67386, and 34 Code of Federal Regulations Section 668.46. Adopted: September 15, 2015; Board Reviewed: April 20, 2021