394 Chabot College 2024-2026 NONCREDIT COURSE LISTING, ESL INTERMEDIATE ESL READING AND WRITING Certificate of Competency Students who receive a Certificate of Competency in Intermediate ESL Reading and Writing complete two ESL noncredit courses: Low Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar (ESL 240A) and Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar (ESL 240B). Completion of these courses and earning a Certificate of Competency demonstrates a student’s readiness for high-intermediate level ESL coursework as well as mastery in the intermediate English reading, writing and grammar skills required for the workplace. Career Opportunities Students who complete this certificate gain mastery in intermediate workplace literacy skills like reading and writing lengthy instructions, emails, memos, reports and order forms. This certificate can be shown to employers to demonstrate mastery in intermediate English reading, writing and grammar skills. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Read critically in English at an intermediate level. 2. Write in English with clarity and accuracy at the intermediate level. Required Courses Hours ESL 240A Low Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar 108 ESL 240B Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar 108 Total 216 LOW-INTERMEDIATE ESL Certificate of Competency Students who receive a Certificate of Competency in Low Intermediate ESL complete two ESL noncredit courses: Low Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar (ESL 240A) and Low Intermediate Listening and Speaking (ESL 242A). Completion of these courses and earning a Certificate of Competency demonstrates a student’s readiness for intermediate level ESL coursework as well as competency in the basic English reading, writing and communication skills required for the workplace. Career Opportunities Students who complete this certificate gain competency in basic workplace literacy skills like reading and writing short instructions, emails, memos, reports and order forms. They will also demonstrate the basic oral communication skills to communicate with employers, co-workers and customers. This certificate can be shown to employers to demonstrate low intermediate English language competency. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Read in English at a low intermediate level. 2. Write in English at the low-intermediate level. 3. Communicate orally in English at the low-intermediate level. Required Courses Hours ESL 240A Low Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar 108 ESL 242A Low Intermediate Listening and Speaking 72 Total 180 PREPARATION FOR ACADEMIC ESL Certificate of Competency Students who receive a Certificate of Competency in Preparation for Academic ESL complete all three ESL noncredit courses: Preparation for Academic ESL Reading (ESL 210), Preparation for Academic ESL Writing (ESL 220), and Preparation for Academic ESL Listening/ Speaking (ESL 230). Completion of these courses and earning a Certificate of Competency demonstrates a student’s readiness for academic level ESL coursework. Students will gain competency in workplace skills like writing emails, using Google Docs and MS word, organizing materials, and time management. This certificate can be shown to employers to demonstrate basic English language competency for academic ESL coursework. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Read, write, and speak at a proficiency level appropriate for entrance in the ESL credit program. 2. Demonstrate the ability to navigate common campus resources, manage study time effectively, and show basic computer literacy necessary for entrance in the ESL credit program. Required Core Hours ESL 210 Preparation for Academic ESL Reading 54 ESL 220 Preparation for Academic ESL Writing 54 ESL 230 Preparation for Academic ESL Listening and Speaking 54 Total 162 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) COURSES 210 Preparation for Academic ESL Reading 54 Hours This noncredit course in Academic ESL reading is part of a 3-course noncredit certificate of competency in Preparation for College ESL, which serves as preparation for ESL 110A, the first course in our credit sequence. Students who take this course may not have the necessary language proficiency in English or be ready for the academic rigor of our college credit ESL program. Students will gain reading, vocabulary, and study skills, computer literacy, and become familiar with U.S. college classroom culture. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course will be through ESL placement process. May be taken concurrently with ESL 220 and ESL 230. Lecture: 54 hours