Chabot College 2024-2026 389 NONCREDIT COURSE LISTING, ATEC, CHEM 293 New Vehicle Technologies 108 Hours This course will introduce students to new vehicle technologies; including enhanced vehicle connectivity, vehicle electronics, and programming. The course will cover the operation, application, and practical experiences with these systems, and vehicle diagnostics, including electrical and mechanical. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ATEC credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ATEC faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog. Lecture: 27 hours Laboratory: 81 hours Prerequisite: ATEC 292 or ATEC 92. 294 Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 135 Hours Study of Hybrid and Electric Vehicle architecture, operation, diagnosis, service and repair processes. This course prepares students for the electrification portion of ASE L3 certification exam. Students who have previously completed ATEC 90/91, ATEC 290/91, APAU 9750/9751 do not need to take this course. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 81 hours Prerequisite: ATEC 250 Completed with a NCP or equivalent, ATEC 50 (same as APAU 9724) Completed with a grade of “C” or better, ATEC 206A Completed with a NCP or equivalent, ATEC 6A (same as APAU 9725) Completed with a grade of “C” or better, Strongly Recommended: ATEC 205 Completed with a NCP or equivalent, ATEC 5 (same as APAU 9723) Completed with a grade of “C” or better, ATEC 208 Completed with a NCP or equivalent, ATEC 8 (same as APAU 9727) Completed with a grade of “C” or better CHEMISTRY (CHEM) Certificates of Competency Preparation for STEM Chemistry PREPARATION FOR STEM CHEMISTRY Certificate of Competency Review foundational chemical and mathematical concepts in preparation for college-level chemistry coursework. This certificate is free and students may repeat the course until mastery of the skills is met. The program provides a great opportunity for students who are transitioning to college and are unsure of their abilities, or who have been out of school for some time and want to prepare themselves before transitioning to college-level chemistry. This Certificate of Competency recognizes a student’s preparation for transfer-level Chemistry courses. Qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, critical thinking, and basic math skills are the foundation required by students to complete degree-level or transfer-level chemistry and other STEM courses. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Analyze problems critically using logical methodology 2. Communicate chemical concepts, ideas, definitions, and situations. 3. Increase confidence and communication in basic chemical analysis, problem solving, critical thinking, and mathematical calculations/concepts. Required Core Hours CHEM 201 Chemistry Jam and Prep 54 Select one of the following courses MTH 201W Noncredit Calculus I Corequisite Support Workshop 36 MTH 210 Math Jam for Business and STEM Mathematics Pathway 27 MTH 221W Noncredit College Algebra for BSTEM Corequisite Support Workshop 36 MTH 222W Noncredit Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry Corequisite Support Workshop 36 MTH 253 Noncredit Applied Algebra and Data Analysis 108 MTH 255 Noncredit Intermediate Algebra 90 Total 81-162 CHEMISTRY (CHEM) COURSES 201 Chemistry Jam and Prep 54 Hours This fully online and asynchronous course is designed to help students who have minimal high school chemistry experience to prepare for CHEM 1A through a mastery-based approach. This course is also a prerequisite for CHEM 1A for students who have no prior chemistry experience. Laboratory: 54 hours