374 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, THTR 18 Bay Area Theater 1 Unit This course focuses on going to see live plays in the Bay Area. Through analysis of plays, discussions with theater artists and going to see productions, students will get a close up look at the thriving Bay Area theater scene as well as learn about current trends in theater nationally. Culturally enriching - great for the curious, for theater fans and for theater artists alike. There will be some cost for the purchase of theater tickets and transportation to attend performances, up to but no more than $100 for the semester. Part of the learning experience of the course will be identifying inexpensive opportunities for viewing live theater. Some costs may be supplemented by the Theater program. Lecture: 18 hours 21 Introduction to Design for the Theater 3 Units Students will be offered a survey of scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, makeup, properties, and special design needs, through demonstration, and laboratory experience. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours 22 Introduction to Design for the Theater: Emphasis in Costume and Makeup 3 Units Students will study costume history, design, and basic construction techniques as an introduction to basic theatrical costuming. There will also be attention paid to makeup for theatrical purposes. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours 23 Introduction to Lighting Design for Theater 3 Units This course involves the study and execution of stage lighting with emphasis on equipment, control, color and their relationship to design. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 54 hours 30A Introduction to Emerging Work 3 Units Development of new plays for staged readings and/or productions. This class will develop and perform plays for an audience, with an emphasis on the evolution of the dramatic texts. Special projects, such as specific textural challenges, may be included. Lecture: 54 hours 30B Basics of Emerging Work 3 Units This is a continuation of 30A, the development of new plays and/or other special projects for production and/or readings. This course emphasizes character study and scene breakdown. Lecture: 54 hours Prerequisite: THTR 30A 30C Emerging Work: The Reading Workshop 3 Units This is a continuation of Theater 30B, as students further their skills in the development of new dramatic material. This course emphasizes character development and story arc, culminating in the staged reading, the reading workshop. Lecture: 54 hours Prerequisite: THTR 30B 30D Emerging Work: The Workshop Production 3 Units This is the capstone course of the THTR 30 track, where students continue to hone their skills in the development of new work and/ or other special projects for the stage. This course will emphasize an actual staged production near the end of the term, with instruction in student directing, stage management, elemental production values of lights, sound and costumes Lecture: 54 hours Prerequisite: THTR 30C 32A Theater Workshop Writing and Directing: Introduction 1 Unit This course supports students who are either writing or directing material that is in the process of being rehearsed and performed in other courses. Student writers will learn basics of story structure and dialogue. Student directors will learn basics of analyzing a text for production. This course will typically accompany THTR 30A and THTR 61A, or any other course where the focus is producing original student writing and directing. Students writing and directing in these other courses will be asked to enroll in THTR 32A as a way of giving more direct instruction and support to those students. Laboratory: 54 hours 32B Theater Workshop Writing and Directing: Beginning 1 Unit This course supports students who are either writing or directing material that is in the process of being rehearsed and performed in other courses. The course builds on the skills developed in THTR 32A. Student writers will improve abilities with creating story structure and dialogue, as well as create multi-dimensional characters. Student directors will focus on how to prepare for and manage a rehearsal. This course will typically accompany THTR 30A and THTR 61A, or any other course where the focus is producing original student writing and directing. Students writing and directing in these other courses will be asked to enroll in THTR 32B as a way of giving more direct instruction and support to those students. Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: THTR 32A 32C Theater Workshop Writing and Directing: Intermediate 1 Unit This course supports students who are either writing or directing material that is in the process of being rehearsed and performed in other courses. THTR 32 C builds on the skills developed in THTR 32 A and B. Student writers will focus on clear and effective communication with a director and working with notes given during a rehearsal process. Student directors will focus on how to communicate and problem solve with writers and actors taking into account the differences of each script and each person they are working with. This course will typically accompany THTR 30A and THTR 61A, or any other course where the focus is producing original student writing and directing. Students writing and directing in these other courses will be asked to enroll in THTR 32C as a way of giving more direct instruction and support to those students. Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: THTR 32B