Chabot College 2024-2026 365 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, SOCI, SPA 8 Human Sexuality (same as PSY 8, SOCI 8) 3 Units This course is an introductory overview of the field of human sexuality. Human sexuality in our contemporary society will be studied from the psychological, biological, sociocultural, and historical perspectives. Emphasis on understanding the interrelationship of attitude and behavior as it relates to sexual well-being and sexual integrity. Students will be encouraged to examine their own attitudes, values, and behaviors in the context of their moral compass and their culture and societal values. Current sex norms and various aspects of interpersonal and individual sexual adjustment will be explored. May not receive credit if PSY 8 or SOCI 8 has been completed successfully. Lecture: 54 hours 10 Introduction to Asian American Studies 3 Units An examination of the experiences and perspectives of Asian Americans from mid-1800’s to the present. Major topics will include immigration, law, citizenship, racialization, colonialism, imperialism, war, family, political involvement, social movements, education, and employment. Provides a comparative context for understanding the panethnic movement. Lecture: 54 hours WORLD LANGUAGES (SPA) Degrees AA-T Spanish AA Spanish Certificates of Achievement International Entrepreneur – Spanish Spanish SPANISH Associate in Arts for Transfer This program includes four semesters of thorough linguistic and cultural training in Spanish, along with courses that shed light on Mexico’s and the Spanish-speaking world’s role in history, art, the humanities, and our own contemporary society. Spanish is one of the world’s most influential languages and there are opportunities for working in many industries where knowledge of Spanish is considered valuable. Many majors at four-year universities have foreign language requirements that would be satisfied with the language courses in this degree program. Courses offered in this program meet general education and transfer requirements. Successful completion of the transfer degree in Spanish guarantees the student acceptance to a local California State University to pursue a baccalaureate degree with Junior status. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate proficiency in understanding and using, orally, the grammatical structures presented and vocabulary assigned 2. Demonstrate proficiency in understanding and using, in writing, the grammatical structures presented and vocabulary assigned Required Core SPA 1A Beginning Spanish 5 or SPA 1A1 Beginning Spanish 1 3 and SPA 1A2 Beginning Spanish 2 3 or SPA 1B Elementary Spanish 1 5 or SPA 1B1 Elementary Spanish 1 3 and SPA 1B2 Elementary Spanish 2 3 SPA 2A Intermediate Spanish 4 SPA 2B Advanced Spanish 4 Additional Required Course ENGL 4 Critical Thinking and Writing about Literature 3 or ENGL 7 Critical Thinking and Writing Across Disciplines 3 Substitution Courses: If a student places out of any core course(s) and is not awarded units for that course, the student will need to take additional units to compensate for the course/units required to reach 18 total units in the major (Title 5 regulations). Course substitutions are made at the discretion of the local college and may or may not be delineated in the local degree. Major Requirements 21 Units General Education CSU GE 39 Units IGETC GE 37 Units Electives As needed, minimum of 60 CSU transferable Units Total 60 minimum degree applicable Units SPANISH Associate in Arts This program includes four semesters of thorough linguistic and cultural training in Spanish, along with courses that shed light on Mexico’s and the Spanish-speaking world’s role in history, art, the humanities, and our own contemporary society. Spanish is one of the world’s most influential languages and there are opportunities for working in many industries where knowledge of Spanish is considered valuable. Many majors at four-year universities have foreign language requirements that would be satisfied with the language courses in this degree program. Courses offered in this program may also meet some general education and/or transfer requirements. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate proficiency in understanding and using, orally, the grammatical structures presented and vocabulary assigned 2. Demonstrate proficiency in understanding and using, in writing, the grammatical structures presented and vocabulary assigned