20 Chabot College 2024-2026 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL EXPENSES Every effort is made by the colleges to keep student expenses as low as possible. Major costs will be for books, supplies, and enrollment fees. Students who desire to park on college parking lots must also purchase a parking permit. The total cost to a typical full-time student for these expenses is estimated to be $800 per semester or $1,600 per year. The college offers a variety of courses that utilize zero and low-cost textbooks to ensure affordability and accessibility in your academic journey. Students are encouraged, however, to retain their books for future reference. Costs for room, board, transportation, clothing, recreation, medical and dental care, phone calls, postage, and spending money must be considered as standard living expenses incurred by all college students. FEES All fees are subject to change. Enrollment Fee: $46.00 per unit. Nonresident Tuition: Out-of-state students are required to pay $360 per semester unit in addition to the enrollment fee and basic fees. International, Non-immigrant Visa Tuition: International students and non-immigrant aliens attending on other visa types are required to pay $360 per semester unit in addition to the enrollment fee and basic fees. Associated Students Activity Fee: This is an optional $10.00 fee. Parking Fees: Students who wish to park their vehicles on College parking lots must purchase either a daily parking permit or a semester parking permit. The fee is $45.00 per semester for 4-wheeled vehicles; $20.00 per semester for motorcycles, and $3.00 for daily parking. Student Health Fee: Mandatory health service fee of $21.00 per semester and $18.00 for Summer Session to support health services for enrolled students. Information on exemptions may be obtained from the Director of Student Life, Room 2355, Building 2300. Student Representation Fee: $2.00 for each semester. The fee is used for any purpose related to representing the views of students with governmental bodies. To opt-out of this fee, students must complete the opt-out form by logging on to CLASS-Web and submitting the form by the published deadline date. Deadline dates are posted in CLASS-Web. Admissions and Records Fees: Transcripts $5.00 On-demand transcript $15.00 (Includes one copy of transcript) Application fee for international students $100.00 Enrollment fees are regulated by the State budget. The college reserves the right to collect enrollment fee increases approved by the State Legislature from all students including those who have paid fees prior to the implementation of new rates. Updates to fee information will be made available on the College website at www.chabotcollege.edu or by contacting the Office of Admissions and Records. DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES The academic and vocational programs at Chabot College reflect the diverse educational/career goals of our student population and local employment needs. Whether students are attending Chabot College to prepare to transfer to a four-year institution, gaining technical skills to enter a vocational field, or enriching their lives by pursuing an individual interests and skill building, they have the opportunity to have their efforts acknowledged by being awarded an Associate Degree, an Associate Degree for Transfer, a Certificate of Achievement, or a Certificate of Proficiency. Application for degrees and certificates requires the student to submit a request in the Admission and Records office by the appropriate date. (Students should refer to the college calendar to verify dates.) The program of study leading to the Associate in Arts Degree (AA) and the Associate in Science Degree (AS) has two primary components, (1) a focus of study in some field of knowledge (the major or Area of Emphasis) and (2) a broad exposure to additional subject areas that are designed to prepare the student to acquire a greater understanding of the self, the physical and the social world (general education requirements). The Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) and the Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) are programs intended for students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in a similar major at a California State University (CSU). Students are eligible to receive an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science Degree after they have successfully completed: 1) an outlined program of study (major or area of emphasis), 2) a minimum of 60 degree-applicable semester units with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all courses required for the degree, and 3) the appropriate general education requirements for either the Associate of Arts (AA) Degree, or the Associate of Science (AS) Degree. All courses in the major must be completed with a minimum grade of “C”. Effective Fall 2020, students earning an AA or AS degree may opt to complete either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), or CSU General Education Breadth in lieu of the AA or AS general education requirements. Students are eligible to receive an Associate in Arts for Transfer or Associate in Science for Transfer after they have successfully completed: 1) 60 CSU transferable units with a grade point average of 2.0 or better and 2) have completed either the CSU General Education Breadth (CSU-GE) or the CSU Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) and 3) completed all required major courses with a minimum grade of “C”. For students using the California State University General Education Breadth, a minimum grade of “C-“ is required in English Composition and Mathematics. Students using the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern must earn minimum grades of “C” in all general education courses.