Chabot College 2024-2026 395 NONCREDIT COURSE LISTING, ESL 220 Preparation for Academic ESL Writing 54 Hours This noncredit course in Academic ESL writing is part of a 3-course noncredit Certificate of Competency in Preparation for College ESL, which serves as preparation for ESL 110A, the first course in our credit sequence. Students who take this course may not have the necessary language proficiency in English or be ready for the academic rigor of our college credit ESL program. Students will further proficiency in writing grammatically correct English sentences and short paragraphs, develop academic study skills and computer literacy, and become familiar with U.S. college classroom culture. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course will be through ESL placement process. May be taken concurrently with ESL 210 and ESL 230. Lecture: 54 hours 225 Basic Spelling 36 Hours This course covers the basic sound/spelling patterns of English. Topics include open and closed syllables, short and long vowel sounds, consonant and consonant cluster sounds, spelling of homophones and other problem words in everyday English. Lecture: 36 hours 230 Preparation for Academic ESL Listening and Speaking 54 Hours This noncredit course in Academic ESL Listening and Speaking is part of a 3-course noncredit Certificate of Competency in Preparation for College ESL, which serves as preparation for ESL 110A, the first course in our credit sequence. Students who take this course may not have the necessary language proficiency in English or be ready for the academic rigor of our college credit ESL program. Students will gain listening comprehension skills, oral fluency, study skills, computer literacy, and become familiar with U.S. college classroom culture. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course will be through ESL placement process. May be taken concurrently with ESL 210 and ESL 220. Lecture: 54 hours 240A Low Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar 108 Hours A comprehensive review of basic sentence types; short writing assignments; reading fiction and nonfiction; reinforces fluency in reading, writing, and grammar. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESL credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. Lecture: 108 hours 240B Intermediate Reading, Writing, and Grammar 108 Hours Logical paragraph development; reading both fiction and nonfiction; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same content and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog. Lecture: 108 hours Prerequisite: ESL 240A or ESL 110A or Eligibility for ESL 110B/240B demonstrated through the ESL Placement Process 242A Low Intermediate Listening and Speaking 72 Hours This is a noncredit course in ESL Listening and Speaking at the Low Intermediate Level. Students will gain listening comprehension skills, oral fluency, study skills, and be introduced to Chabot College services and activities. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course concurrently with ESL 110A. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog. Lecture: 72 hours Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ESL 110A or ESL 240A. 242B Intermediate Listening and Speaking 72 Hours This is a noncredit course in ESL Listening and Speaking at the Intermediate Level. Students will gain listening comprehension skills, oral fluency, study skills, and familiarity with Chabot College certificates, degrees and services. This course is free and may be repeated until mastery in the skill is met. Recommendation to take the course concurrently with ESL 110B. This course is part of a Certificate of Completion. Available Certificates can be found in the Chabot College Catalog. Lecture: 72 hours Prerequisite: ESL 110A or ESL 240A or ESL 242A or appropriate skill level demonstrated through ESL assessment process. 250 Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers: Emphasis on Pre-writing & Paragraph Organization 27 Hours Individualized and group instruction in writing with emphasis on pre- writing and paragraph organization. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs. Laboratory: 27 hours 251 Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers: Emphasis on Thesis Development and Essay Organization 27 Hours Individualized and group instruction in writing with emphasis on thesis development and essay organization. Student develops and reinforces academic writing skills through conferencing with instructor, group workshops, completing online exercises, completing and revising writing assignments, and working with instructor and tutors on individual writing needs. Laboratory: 27 hours