336 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, POSC, PSCI List B (select 1 course) Any Required Core or List A course not already selected POSC 12 Introduction to California State and Local Government 3 ECN 1 Principles of Microeconomics 3 ECN 2 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ES 1 Introduction to Ethnic Studies 3 Any CSU Transferable Political Science course Major Requirements 18-19 Units General Education CSU GE 39 Units IGETC GE 37 Units Electives As needed, minimum of 60 CSU transferable Units Total 60 minimum degree applicable Units POLITICAL SCIENCE (POSC) COURSES 1 Introduction to American Government 3 Units Introduction to the historical development and current structure of American political ideals and institutions, including the Federal and California Constitutions, civil liberties and civil rights, political parties, campaigns and elections, and citizenship duties. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1 12 Introduction to California State and Local Government 3 Units Introduction to the politics of California, both on the state and local levels. Students will learn how politics works locally and in Sacramento, and how to effectively enact change in politics and public policy. Emphasis on current issues and the influences of historical, geographical, political, economic and social factors on the political realities in California today. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for POSC 1 and Eligibility for ENGL 1. 20 Comparative Politics 3 Units Introduces the diverse domestic politics of countries around the world. The politics and problems in democratic, semi-democratic, and authoritarian states will be covered through an investigation of institutions, identity (race, gender, class, nationalism, religion, culture), social movements, political economy, political violence, and globalization. Students will be introduced to the diverse decision-making regimes that exist throughout the globe, such as parliamentary, semi-presidential, presidential, unitary, federal, and confederal systems. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for POSC 1 and Eligibility for ENGL 1. 25 Introduction to Political Theory 3 Units An introduction to the study of political theory. Course introduces the fundamental questions of ethics and politics by analyzing works of political philosophy from antiquity to the present. Emphasizes core themes of political theory, such as justice, power, rights, liberty, and citizenship, and differing conceptions of the state. Students will learn how to interpret, analyze, and critically evaluate political theory texts in order to apply political theory to historical and current political realities. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1 30 International Relations 3 Units Introduction to the basic concepts, theories, and principles of international relations. Course will examine contemporary world affairs including the importance of nationalism, imperialism, ideology, alliance systems, development, and the nature of international organizations. Lecture: 54 hours 35 Politics of Race and Gender: History, Governance, and Public Policy 3 Units An overview of the historical and contemporary political issues and concerns affecting the status and power of groups that have traditionally been politically and socially disadvantaged in the United States. These groups include, but are not limited to, African- Americans, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, Latinx, LGBT, and Women. The political histories of each group from their arrival in the territory today known as the United States through modern times will be discussed. Students will analyze how group identity impacts the processes of democratic governance. Public policy issues (i.e. education, health, criminal justice) will be considered in light of their impact upon marginalized groups. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: POSC 1 or ES 1. PHYSICAL SCIENCE PHYSICAL SCIENCE (PSCI) COURSES 15 Descriptive Physical Science: Introduction to Principles of Physical Science 5 Units An introduction to the physical universe from atomic particles to the stars, with emphasis on the basic principles of physics, astronomy, chemistry, and the geo-sciences (meteorology and geology). Designed for non-majors in physical science. Includes an introduction to laboratory, principles and techniques with emphasis on the basic concepts discussed in the class. May not receive credit if Physics 11 has been completed. Lecture: 72 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: MTH 65, ENGL 101A or ENGL 102.