Chabot College 2024-2026 335 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, PLGL, POSC 34 Professional Responsibility and Ethics 3 Units This course provides students with a practical understanding of the professional codes of conduct and the general principles of ethical legal conduct governing the practice of law. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 35 Advanced Legal Writing and Research 3 Units This course is designed to build upon the skills developed in Legal Writing and Research. This course will provide a more in-depth, advanced understanding of legal writing, research, proper citation format, and preparation of legal documents. Lecture: 54 hours Prerequisite: PLGL 31 36 Contract Law 3 Units As part of the Paralegal Program, this course will examine the fundamental elements of contract law, including the principals of formation, agreement, and consideration. Students will also learn contract interpretation, the necessary elements for creating legally enforceable contracts, and breach and remedies. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 37 Tort Law 3 Units This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of tort law, including intentional torts, negligence, trespass, strict liability, personal injury, mental distress, as well as commonly employed defenses. This course will help fulfill the requirements of the 24-unit Paralegal Studies Certificate. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: PLGL 30 38 Criminal Law and Procedure 3 Units This course introduces students to the practice of criminal law. Emphasis is placed on criminal procedure from arrest to the appeals process. Case law and case studies will be used to examine prosecution, defense, and appellate processes. There will be discussions regarding the doctrine of criminal liability, the classification of crimes against persons, property, morals, and public welfare, criminal culpability, and defenses to crime. Lecture: 54 hours POLITICAL SCIENCE (POSC) Degrees AA-T Political Science POLITICAL SCIENCE Associate in Arts for Transfer Political science majors evaluate societal, national, and global events by learning about forms of political organization and political processes. Political science is consistently a top ten major because of its versatility and applicability to today’s world. The Political Science degree provides students with a strong foundation in American government, political theory, and comparative and international politics for those who wish to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, government, and international relations, and for those who seek careers in public service, education, law, journalism, or business. Students who are awarded an Associate in Arts in Political Science for Transfer are guaranteed admission with junior standing in the CSU System and given priority admission consideration to a local CSU campus in program(s) deemed similar in Area of Emphasis. Students wishing to pursue the Associate in Arts in Political Science for Transfer degree must obtain the following: 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of degree-applicable courses; a minimum overall grade point average of 2.0; a minimum grade of “C” (or “P”) for each course in the major, and; completion of IGETC and/or CSU GE-Breadth. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Familiarize students with the issues surrounding the exercise of political power. 2. Develop analytical capacities so that students are able to analyze complex local, domestic, and international political events. Required Core POSC 1 Introduction to American Government 3 POSC 20 Comparative Politics 3 POSC 25 Introduction to Political Theory 3 POSC 30 International Relations 3 List A (Select 2 courses) Any Required Core course not already selected POSC 35 Politics of Race and Gender: History, Governance, and Public Policy 3 PSY 5 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences 4 or MTH 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 4 or BUS 19 Business Statistics 4