Chabot College 2024-2026 333 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, PHYS 7B Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Fluid mechanics, Wave phenomena, Thermodynamics, Optics 5 Units Introduction to the physical principles of fluid dynamics, oscillations, mechanical waves, thermodynamics, light and optics using calculus. Physics 7B is the recommended second course in the sequence designed for engineering and science majors. Key concepts include Archimedes and Bernoulli Principles, Simple Harmonic Motion, Standing and Travelling waves, the three laws of Thermodynamics, Heat Engines, plane-wave optics, cameras, telescopes, diffraction, and interference. May not receive credit if PHYS 4C has been completed successfully. Lecture: 72 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: PHYS 7A, MTH 2, MTH 3 (May be taken concurrently) 7C Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Electromagnetism 5 Units Introduction to the principles of Electricity and Magnetism using calculus. Physics 7C is the recommended third course in the sequence designed for engineering and science majors, but it can be taken directly after Physics 7A or with Physics 7B if math prerequisites are met. Key concepts include Electric fields, Gauss’ Law, Electric Potential, Capacitors, Current, Resistance, Series and Parallel Circuits, magnetic fields, induced currents, alternating circuits, Maxwell’s equations, Electromagnetic waves. May not receive credit if PHYS 4B has been completed successfully. Lecture: 72 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: PHYS 7A, MTH 3, MTH 4 (may be taken concurrently) and MTH 6 (may be taken concurrently) 7D Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Modern Physics 3 Units Introduction to relativity and modern physics. Physics 7D is the last course in the sequence designed for engineering and science majors. Key concepts include special and general relativity, introduction to quantum mechanics, Schroedinger Equation, Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, and Particle Physics, Condensed-matter physics, and Cosmology. Preferably, students will need to have completed Physics 7ABC to enroll, but they may take Physics 7B or 7C concurrently. May not receive credit if PHYS 5 has been completed successfully. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: PHYS 7B (May be taken concurrently) and PHYS 7C (May be taken concurrently) 11 Descriptive Physics 4 Units Motion, gravitation, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, atoms, and nuclei. Present day scientific problems and developments such as alternative energy sources, solar energy, nuclear power, lasers, relativity and black holes. Designed for non-majors in physical science. Includes an introduction to laboratory, principles and techniques with emphasis on the basic concepts discussed in the class. May not receive credit if Physics 10 or Physics 10L has been completed. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: MTH 104 18 Preparatory Physics 3 Units Basic problem solving techniques in mechanics as foundation for Physics 2A and Physics 4A. Methods and strategies used to solve quantitative Physics problems. Intended for mathematics, engineering, and physics, science students. Emphasis on group problem-solving activities, diversity in problem-solving approaches, and detailed oral and written presentation of solutions. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: MTH 36 or MTH 37 or equivalent 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists (See also ENGR 25 , MTH 25 ) 3 Units Methodology and techniques for solving engineering/science problems using numerical-analysis computer-application programs MATLAB, SimuLink, MuPad, and EXCEL. Technical computing and visualization using MATLAB software. Examples and applications from applied-mathematics, physical-mechanics, electrical circuits, biology, thermal systems, fluid systems, and other branches of science and engineering. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: MTH 1 27 Introduction to Unmanned Flight & Rocket Science 3 Units This course introduces students to the physics behind, as well as the creation and operation of, unmanned flight vehicles such as rockets, balloons and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), which collect inflight atmospheric data that are later analysed and presented. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: MTH 1 and CSCI 7 and Corequisite: PHYS 4B. 122 Physics Supplemental Instruction 0.5-1 Unit An individualized course with tutorial assistance from an instructor, student tutor, in basic Physics computations designed to develop self-confidence and prepare the student for problem solving in the normal navigation of physics courses. Laboratory: 27-54 hours