Chabot College 2024-2026 303 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, MUSA, MUSL 40 Applied Lessons (May be repeated 3 times) 1 Unit Students study the performance traditions for the specific instrument or voice that is the performance medium. Repertoire for performance is selected that is representative of the best works for the instrument or voice and which is appropriate for study at the particular lower- division level. The specific content studied is determined by the difficulty level and historical/cultural context of the literature/etude lists specific to the instrument or voice. General course content includes aspects of rhythm, intonation, articulation, and expressive elements. When appropriate other content studied may include blend and balance while performing with others, improvisation and standards of conduct when rehearsing/performing. Achievement is evaluated through a juried performance. Enrollment subject to a standardized audition demonstrating basic competencies in technique and musicianship in their major performance medium. Laboratory: 72 hours Corequisite: , MUSP 12, MUSP 13, MUSP 15, MUSP 16, MUSP 44, MUSP 45. MUSIC - LITERATURE (MUSL) COURSES 1 Introduction to Music 3 Units In this course significant works of human imagination and intellect are studied as students encounter a wide range of music from the Medieval period to American music of the 20th and 21st century, including American jazz. This course is designed to enable students to understand music as an art form within its historical context, primarily in Western Europe and the United States. Students will approach music as a form of expression that reflects personal creativity as well as social, political, religious, and cultural change. Further study includes the relationship of music to other forms of human expression, including art, architecture, philosophy, religion, and politics. Students will experience music through recordings, online video performances, and attendance at three concerts outside of the classroom. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours 2A Harmony and Musicianship I 4 Units Study of the fundamentals of Western music applicable to both classical and popular styles: notation; fundamental theoretical concepts; musicianship skills including sight singing, rhythmic training, ear training, dictation, and keyboard realization; and basic compositional skills. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: MUSL 6 or equivalent skills 2B Harmony and Musicianship II 4 Units This course is a study of harmony and voice leading in the Western Common Practice. It addresses diatonic functionality, four-part voice leading, simple musical structures, harmonic and formal analysis, and musicianship skills including sight singing, rhythmic training, dictation, and keyboard realization. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: MUSL 2A 2C Harmony and Musicianship III 4 Units This course is a study of harmony and voice-leading in the Western Common Practice. It addresses sequences, melodic and rhythmic figuration, leading-tone 7th chords, mixture, applied dominants and modulation, four-part voice leading, large formal structures, harmonic and formal analysis, and musicianship skills including sight singing, rhythmic training, ear training, dictation, conducting, and keyboard realization. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: MUSL 2B 2D Harmony and Musicianship IV 4 Units Study of advanced chromatic harmony, 20th century harmonic practices, large musical structures, style composition, harmonic, structural, and stylistic analysis, and musicianship skills including sight singing, rhythmic training, ear training, dictation, and keyboard realization of chromatic and 20th century materials. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: MUSL 2C 3 World Music 3 Units This course presents a survey of world music and introduces the field of ethnomusicology. The cultural contributions and influences of music and traditions in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Indonesia, India, Latin America, and Native America are emphasized. Historical, cultural, philosophical and social conditions in which music exists, its relationship to cultural continuity and/or change, as well as the artistic conditions in which musics and cultures develop are explored through three primary lenses: sound, concept, and behavior. Attendance at world music concerts is required. Lecture: 54 hours 4 History of Jazz Music 3 Units History, trends, and influences of the phenomenon of jazz beginning with pre-Dixieland early 1900’s covering the various eras including Swing, Be-Bop and post Be-Bop to present day. Course explores Afro- Cuban and Afro-Brazilian influences on modern Latin Jazz music. Attendance at concerts and listening to a variety of music is required. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours 6 Basic Music Skills 3 Units An introduction to the notation and primary elements of tonal music. Incorporates the following concepts: staff notation in treble and bass clefs, rhythm and meter; basic properties of sound; intervals; diatonic scales and triads; and diatonic chords. Development of skills in handwritten notation is expected. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours 8 History of Rock and Roll and Popular Music 3 Units A cultural survey of original American music traditions, forms and trends influenced by cultural, socio-economic, socio-political and economic changes including blues, jazz, early rock, the British invasion, rap, hip hop culture, Latino rock, heavy metal, jazz-rock fusion, electronic, modern rock, and pop. The focus will be on at least three of the following cultural groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Latin Americans and Native Americans. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours