302 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, MURT, MUSA 32A Game Audio Design I 3 Units Overview of game sound development, basics of sound effects libraries and working with animation, typical studio effects, sound manipulation, and common troubleshooting. Fundamental techniques of recording custom effects, proper integration of audio, and mixing techniques particular to the gaming industry. Basics of the game audio industry, including professional roles, occupational divisions, scheduling, contracts and workflow. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MURT 20 32B Game Audio Design II 3 Units Advanced creation of music and audio for video games, including implementation within a video game. Advanced music cue composition, Foley SFX recording and design, and functional implementation in a live game context. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MURT 32A 50 Music Industry Internship 1 Unit Internship in the music industry as approved by Music Recording & Technology faculty in the context of the student’s coursework and interests in the MURT department. Cooperative effort between student and music industry supervisor to accomplish agreed upon work objectives and experiential goals. Student provides verification of service experience hours during the term. Music industry organization to be approved by MURT faculty. Hours and duties made in agreement between student and music industry supervisor. Students will meet on-campus with MURT faculty for one hour per week to discuss experience & progress. Faculty permission required for registration in the class. Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MURT 20, MURT 26. MUSIC - APPLIED (MUSA) COURSES 20A Guitar I 1 Unit Students will be led through a one-semester course to introduce them to the guitar. The course will be split into several units that cover various aspects of understanding the instrument and the music that can be created with it. Students will learn using a combination of folk and classic approaches to playing technique, utilizing basic scales and chords in first position, and music notation. Students will also be led through a routine of tuning their guitars, warming-up, group instruction, and independent group practicing and playing. Laboratory: 72 hours Strongly Recommended: MUSL 6 20B Guitar II 1 Unit This course provides intermediate six-string guitar instruction. Intermediate level classical solo repertoire as well as equivalent level popular music will be examined. Bar chords, intermediate level keys and arpeggios, transposition with and without a capo, strums, bass runs, and classical theory will be taught Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MUSA 20A or equivalent 21A Piano I 1 Unit Beginning piano. Contemporary and classic approaches to playing piano using basic scales, chords and music notation. Laboratory: 72 hours Strongly Recommended: MUSL 6 21B Piano II 1 Unit Development of skills in piano performance, notation, literature. Emphasis on further development of technique and performance. Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MUSA 21A 21M Class Piano for Majors (May be repeated 3 times) 1 Unit This course is designed to prepare music majors for their piano proficiency examination. Skills development includes major and minor scales, diatonic chord progressions, transposition, treble and bass clef reading, harmonization, and simple hands together part playing. Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MUSL 2A and/or Passing of a placement examination by the instructor. 22A Jazz Piano and Musicianship I (May be repeated 3 times) 1 Unit Voicings, chords, and guidelines for improvisation in the contemporary styles of the jazz pianist. Post bop-era, through modern to avant-garde piano playing in the jazz idiom. Laboratory: 72 hours Strongly Recommended: MUSL 6 22B Jazz Piano and Musicianship II (May be repeated 3 times) 1 Unit Development of skills in jazz piano performance, notation, literature. Emphasis on further development of technique and performance. Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MUSA 22A 23A Voice I (May be repeated 3 times) 1 Unit MUSA 23A is an introductory course designed to teach you how to make your voice sound more powerful, how to use vocal technique to expand your range and expression, and how to become more confident in vocal performances. Topics include tone production, breathing, diction, sight singing, interpretation and solo performance of vocal literature. Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MUSL 6 (MUSL 6 may be taken concurrently). 23B Voice II 1 Unit Development of the many aspects of singing from the physical act through the aesthetic experience. The course is designed for the beginning to intermediate singer who desires vocal improvement, and for the music major as an addition to and extension of skills and knowledge necessary for artistic development. Introduces appropriate repertoire. Laboratory: 72 hours Prerequisite: MUSA 23A