292 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, MTH 41W Number SystWorkshop 0.5-1 Unit Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Number Systems. Laboratory: 36-54 hours Corequisite: MTH 41 43 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 4 Units Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and dispersion; elements of probability; tests of statistical hypotheses (one and two populations); correlation and regression; ANOVA; applications in various fields. Introduction to the use of computer software package to complete both descriptive and inferential statistics problems. May not receive credit if Mathematics 35 has been completed. Lecture: 72 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 53 or MTH 55 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Mathematics Assessment process. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 1. 43S Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Support 5 Units Descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and dispersion; elements of probability; tests of statistical hypotheses (one and two populations); correlation and regression; ANOVA; applications in various fields. Introduction to the use of computer software package to complete both descriptive and inferential statistics problems. This course is equivalent to MTH 43 with additional lab hours for students who did not place directly into MTH 43 or for students who place directly into MTH 43 but desire additional instruction. May not receive credit if Mathematics 35 has been completed. Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Introduction to Probability and Statistics. Lecture: 72 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A, Prerequisite: MTH 53 or MTH 53B or MTH 54 or MTH 54L or MTH 55 or MTH 55B or MTH 55L or an appropriate placement through the Mathematics Placement process. 43W Introduction to Probability and Statistics Workshop 0.5 Unit Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Introduction To Probability and Statistics. MTH43W is a support course for students taking MTH43. This is a great class for students who are transitioning to college-level math coursework, who are unsure of their abilities, or who have been out of school for while and want additional support while completing MTH 43. Laboratory: 36 hours Corequisite: MTH 43 44 Mathematics for Democracy 3 Units An introductory study of the mathematics for the Liberal Arts student. Core topics include statistics, probability, logic and proofs, and problem-solving. Applications of these topics will be found in current and historical political processes; examples include statistical analysis of sampling and interpretation of polling, the logical structure of various voting methods, solving the problems arising from the paradoxes with apportionment, and using the geometry of compactness for redistricting. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 55 or MTH 53 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the mathematics assessment process. 44W Mathematics for Democracy Workshop 0.5-1 Unit Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Mathematics for Democracy Laboratory: 36-54 hours Corequisite: MTH 44 47 Mathematics for Liberal Arts 3 Units An introductory study of mathematical topics, emphasizing real life applications. Topics may include problem solving, geometry, statistics, probability, finance, graph theory, and history and culture of mathematics. Emphasis on real life applications. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 53 or MTH 53B or MTH 55 or MTH 55B or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the mathematics assessment process. 47S Mathematics for Liberal Arts with Support 3.5 Units An introductory study of several mathematical topics. Use of mathematics to make informed decisions in different areas of daily life such as finance and politics. Topics include logic, voting, apportionment, probability, statistics, finance, and graph theory. This course is equivalent to MTH 47 with additional lab hours for students who did not place directly into MTH 47 or for students who place directly into MTH 47 but desire additional instruction. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 36 hours Prerequisite: MTH 55 or MTH 55B or MTH 53 or MTH 53B or an appropriate placement through the Mathematics Placement process. 47W Mathematics for Liberal Arts Workshop 0.5-1 Unit Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Mathematics for Liberal Arts. Laboratory: 36-54 hours Corequisite: MTH 47 53 Applied Algebra and Data Analysis 5 Units Equations and formulas; linear, exponential, logarithmic functions; measurement and conversion of units; exponents and scientific notation; introduction to descriptive statistics including graphical methods; introduction to probability. Intended for students who do not need calculus. Lecture: 90 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 104 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Mathematics Assessment process., Strongly Recommended: ENGL 102 or ENGL 101B.