Chabot College 2024-2026 291 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, MTH 15 Applied Calculus I 3 Units This calculus course is intended for majors in business and in certain areas of life sciences. The course covers differential calculus of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, introduction to integral calculus, and applications in business, economics, and the life and social sciences. While this is a terminal course for many programs, some may also require the second course, MTH 16. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 31 or MTH 20 or MTH 21 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Mathematics Assessment process. 16 Applied Calculus II 3 Units Techniques of integration; multivariable calculus; calculus of trigonometric functions; differential equations; Taylor polynomials. Applications in business, economics and the life and social sciences. Integration includes by parts, using tables, and improper integrals. Multivariable calculus topics include partial derivatives and finding local extrema. Differential Equations includes separable equations. Applications include probability distributions. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 15 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Mathematics Assessment process. Strongly Recommended: MTH 22 or MTH 36 or MTH 37. 21 College Algebra for BSTEM 5 Units College level course in algebra for majors in Business and STEM fields (BSTEM). Concepts covered include polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, piecewise, and logarithmic functions and their graphs; nonlinear systems of equations and inequalities; theory of polynomial equations; and sequences and series. Lecture: 90 hours Prerequisite: MTH 55 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Mathematics Assessment Process. May not receive credit if MTH 31 has been completed. 22 Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry 5 Units The study of trigonometric functions, their inverses and their graphs, identities and proofs related to trigonometric expressions, trigonometric equations, solving right triangles, solving triangles using the Law of Cosines and the Law of Sines, polar coordinates, and introduction to vectors. Lecture: 90 hours Prerequisite: MTH 21 or MTH 31 or MTH 31S or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Mathematics Assessment Process. 25 Computational Methods for Engineers and Scientists (See also ENGR 25 , PHYS 25 ) 3 Units Methodology and techniques for solving engineering/science problems using numerical-analysis computer-application programs MATLAB, SimuLink, MuPad, and EXCEL. Technical computing and visualization using MATLAB software. Examples and applications from applied-mathematics, physical-mechanics, electrical circuits, biology, thermal systems, fluid systems, and other branches of science and engineering. May not receive credit if ENGR 25 or PHYS 25 has been completed. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: MTH 1 33 Finite Mathematics 4 Units Straight lines, systems of linear equations, matrices, systems of linear inequalities, linear programming, mathematics of finance, sets and Venn diagrams, combinatorial techniques and an introduction to probability. Applications in business, economics and the social sciences. Lecture: 72 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 55 or MTH 53 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Early Assessment Program or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the mathematics assessment process. 33S Finite Mathematics with Support 4.5 Units Straight lines, systems of linear equations, matrices, systems of linear inequalities, linear programming, mathematics of finance, sets and Venn diagrams, combinatorial techniques and an introduction to probability. Applications in business, economics and the social sciences. This course is equivalent to MTH 33 with additional lab hours for students who did not place directly into MTH 33 or for students who place directly into MTH 33 but desire additional instruction. Lecture: 72 hours Laboratory: 36 hours Prerequisite: MTH 55 or MTH 55B or an appropriate placement through the Mathematics Placement process. 33W Finite Mathematics Workshop 0.5-1 Unit Laboratory, study group, collaborative workshop or computer laboratory time for Finite Mathematics. Laboratory: 36-54 hours Corequisite: MTH 33 41 Number Systems 3 Units Development of mathematical thinking through exploration of the number system. Topics include structure of numeration systems including the real number system and its subsystems, number theory, and computational algorithms. Supports Number Sense Domain in the elementary subject matter preparation standards of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 18 hours Prerequisite: MTH 53 or MTH 55 or an appropriate skill level demonstrated through the Mathematics Assessment process. 41S Number Systwith Support 3.5 Units Development of quantitative reasoning skills through exploration of mathematical topics. Topics include structure of numeration systems including the real number system and its subsystems, number theory, and computational algorithms. This course is equivalent to MTH 41 with additional lab hours for students who did not place directly into MTH 41 or for students who place directly into MTH 41 but desire additional instruction. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 36 hours Prerequisite: MTH 55 or MTH 53 or MTH 53B or MTH 55L or MTH 55B or MTH 54 or MTH 54L or Completion of: an appropriate placement through the Mathematics Placement process