280 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, KINE 12FT Introduction to Football Officiating 2 Units This course is designed to teach the Fundamentals of Football Officiating, National Federation Rules, Responsibilities, On the Field Mechanics & Concepts of Officiating high school football. Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 54 hours 12TK Introduction to Track & Field Officiating 2 Units This course will introduce the student to the basics of hosting and officiating a track and field competition. Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 54 hours 14 Introduction to Health and Fitness For Your Disability 3 Units Application of current health teachings to individuals and life. Physiological, psychological, and social perspectives of health. Emphasis on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that will contribute to a healthy individual. May not receive credit if Physical Education 18 has been completed. Lecture: 54 hours 15 Introduction to Personal Fitness Training 3 Units Includes the areas of physical activity and health, fitness evaluation, exercise prescription, exercise for special populations, exercise programming and the fundamentals of functional anatomy and exercise physiology as they pertain to personal training. Upon successful completion of the course students will be eligible for the National Certification Board Exam to attain certification in Personal Training through the American Council on Exercise. Lecture: 54 hours 16 Theory & Technique of Offensive Football 2 Units Analysis and examination of various approaches to offensive intercollegiate football. Includes all aspects of offensive football; punt return, point after touchdown and field goal kicking. May not receive credit if Physical Education 25 has been completed. Lecture: 36 hours 17 Theory & Technique of Defensive Football 2 Units Analysis and examination of various approaches to defensive intercollegiate football. Includes all aspects of defensive football; kick off, punt rush, punt return and P.A.T./FG rush. May not receive credit if Physical Education 27 has been completed. Lecture: 36 hours 18 Introduction to CPR and First Aid for Coaches 2 Units Survey of non-emergency procedures and techniques used in the field including basic life support CPR and first aid designed to teach lifesaving skills to be used in an athletic setting. Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 54 hours 19 Fit for Duty: Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement 3 Units Physical fitness, health and wellness are examined from a global and occupational perspective. Psychosocial, environmental and physiological aspects are delivered in an interactive format. Emphasis on formulation, maintenance, and development of a broad base of information, with focus on occupational readiness and lifetime fitness. Designed for individuals who are currently employed in law enforcement or who intend to enter the field. May not receive credit if PHED 65 has been completed. Lecture: 54 hours 22 Introduction to Health Coaching 3 Units In combination with the American Council on Exercise this course is designed to give the student the most current, complete picture of instructional techniques and professional responsibilities that ACE certified Health Coaches need to teach their clients. Upon successful completion of this course the student can elect to take the certification exam through the American Council on Exercise. Lecture: 54 hours 23 Techniques of Strength Training Instruction 3 Units This course covers how to teach a variety of strength and resistance training activities. It studies strength training sequences, theories on the development of strength, periodization, equipment, safety factors and anatomy and physiology as they apply to strength training and development. Lecture: 54 hours 24 Health and Fitness for the Fire Service 3 Units Health, wellness and physical fitness are examined from a global and occupational viewpoint. Emphasis on the Seven Dimensions of Wellness from a Fire Service perspective. An introduction to concepts of lifetime fitness and wellness with an emphasis on physical fitness and lifestyle choices. Lecture: 54 hours 70 History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity 3 Units History and philosophy of sport and physical activity from antiquity to today. Special consideration is given to the development of sport and physical activity (physical education) in North America, with a particular examination of factors affecting their growth, development, and evolution in our contemporary landscape. Factors include social, economic, and cultural concepts, and the significance of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and social class of sport and physical activity will be addressed. Lecture: 54 hours ASSE Physical Fitness Assessments 1 Unit Students will learn how to perform Physical Fitness Assessments on body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. Upon assessing fitness status students will develop an exercise prescription to maintain or improve their physical fitness level. May not receive credit if Physical Education 6 has been completed. Lecture: 18 hours