Chabot College 2024-2026 279 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, KINE 2 Introduction to Athletic Training 4 Units This athletic training class is designed to introduce the student to the field of athletic training. The overall goal is to give the students a basic understanding of injury prevention, recognition, management and rehabilitation. We will also observe and discuss the sports medicine team, emergency procedures and job opportunities. Besides learning from online presentations and video presentations, the student will be expected to participate in various lab activities that relate to the subject. Lecture: 54 hours Laboratory: 54 hours 3 Introduction to Principles of Coaching Sports: Beyond the Basics 3 Units Coaching beyond the basics: ethics, physical training theories and management principles. Research into successful leadership principles, skills and philosophies. Coaching effectiveness and team building dynamics. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to take the California and National High School Coaching certification examination. Lecture: 54 hours 3BB Introduction to the Principles of Coaching Baseball 2 Units Theory, principles, training concepts and ethics of coaching with emphasis on the fundamentals and techniques of coaching the sport of baseball. (Not open for credit to students who have completed or are currently enrolled in PEAC 27.) Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 54 hours 3BK Introduction to the Principles of Coaching Basketball 2 Units Theory, principles , training concepts, strategies and the ethics of coaching the sport of basketball. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 18 hours 3FT Introduction to Coaching Football 2 Units This course is designed to teach the basics of coaching football. Basic offensive and defensive drills and teamwork will be taught. Individual position skills and development will be introduced along with team training and structure. Lecture: 36 hours 3SF Introduction to Coaching Softball 2 Units Designed to teach the basics of coaching Softball. Individual skill development, along with team development and dynamics, will be thoroughly covered. Lecture: 36 hours 3SO Introduction to Coaching Soccer 2 Units Designed to teach the basics of coaching Soccer. Individual skill development, along with team development and dynamics, will be thoroughly covered. Lecture: 36 hours 3TK Introduction to Coaching Track and Field 2 Units Designed to teach the basics of coaching track and field. Methods, drills and skill development of all the events in track will be covered. Lecture: 36 hours 4 Introduction to Sports Management 3 Units Introduction into the field of sports management. Career opportunities, human resource management, leadership, strategic planning, teamwork, ethics and values, marketing and advertising, finance, managing facilities, sports and the law, economics of sport and community impact. Lecture: 54 hours 5 Introduction to the Components of Physical Fitness - the Human Body 3 Units The impact of physical activity, nutrition and dietary principles upon the body. Basic exercise physiology, anatomy, kinesiology, exercise testing, body mechanics and body composition testing. (May not receive credit if Physical Education 28 has been completed.) Lecture: 54 hours 6 Performance Enhancement thru Mental Training 3 Units The study and development of the concepts and theories associated with maximizing performance, from the perspective of sport as well as life, emphasizing the mental skills and strategies for stress control, visualization, goal setting and concentration. (May not receive credit if Physical Education 15 has been completed.) Lecture: 54 hours 8 Introduction to Sport in Contemporary Society 3 Units An introduction into the phenomenon of sport in society, including cultural stratification, race, gender, education, economics, politics and the mass media. Lecture: 54 hours 10 Nutrition for Fitness and Fat Loss 3 Units Study the role that nutrition and activity play in developing fitness and lowering body fat. Major concepts of fitness and nutrition will be presented along with training utilizing a heart rate monitor. Students will learn to assess current fitness levels and design a personal fitness and nutritional plan. (May not receive credit if Physical Education 57 has been completed.) Lecture: 54 hours 11 Nutrition For Sports And Human Performance 3 Units An investigation into the role nutrition plays in sports and human achievement. Determination of optimum hydration and nutrient intake in relation to activity. (May not receive credit if Physical Education 58 has been completed.) Lecture: 54 hours 12BB Introduction to Baseball Officiating 2 Units This course will introduce the student to the basic rules and mechanics of officiating baseball. Students will learn the rules and basics of becoming a baseball umpire. Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 54 hours 12BK Introduction to Basketball Officiating 2 Units Designed to teach the Fundamentals of Basketball Officiating, National Federation and NCAA Rules, Responsibilities, Court Mechanics & Concepts of Officiating with Two Person and Three Person Techniques. Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 54 hours