276 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, JAPN JAPANESE (JAPN) Certificates of Achievement International Entrepreneur – Japanese Japanese INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEUR – JAPANESE Certificate of Achievement This certificate combines Japanese language proficiency, business culture, and entrepreneurship to prepare students to seize opportunities in the global market. Students complete at least 3 semesters of Japanese and continue with Business / Entrepreneurship courses. Students each choose a research topic for their final capstone project that combines their foreign language knowledge and business opportunities from the international market and/or the international community. Career Opportunities Employment Outlook for Global Trade & Logistics and International Business and Trade Occupations: Entrepreneur, global trade and logistic worker, business consultant, business operations specialist, supply chain specialist, logistics analyst, human resource specialist, cargo and freight agent, shipping, receiving, purchasing, and traffic clerk, sales clerk. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Identify and evaluate new business opportunities while demonstrating proficiency in understanding and using Japanese. 2. Prepare marketing and business plans for a new venture in Japan. 3. Effectively pitch their new business idea to potential investors and partners, both orally and in writing in Japanese. Required courses JAPN 1A Beginning Japanese 5 JAPN 1B Elementary Japanese 5 JAPN 2A Intermediate Japanese 4 BUS 40 International Business 3 ENTR 1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3 Substitutions for advanced language students that pass the prerequisite challenge/override must complete a minimum of 20 units to earn the certificate. Advanced students may use courses from the list below to meet the total units required. BUS 12 Introduction to Business 3 JAPN 2B Advanced Japanese 4 ENTR 20 Marketing for Entrepreneurs 3 Total 20 JAPANESE Certificate of Achievement Chabot’s Japanese Certificate of Achievement is designed to prepare students with knowledge, skills, and academic accomplishment in the Japanese language and provide prospective employers with documented evidence of language proficiency. The certificate consists of 4 classes with no prerequisites to begin the program. Classes are available online and on-campus. The certificate can be earned either on campus or fully online. Each course must be completed with a final grade of “C” or higher or Pass. Career Opportunities Japan as the second largest economy in the world for a while and now third by GDP, there are hundreds of billions of dollars spent by the Japanese on consumer goods and services. There are Japanese multinational corporations with branches around the world. Being able to communicate well with potential customers, business partners, employers or vendors will be valuable in making your business grow. In addition by learning Japanese, students will be able to understand animations, movies, variety shows, news, and any mainstream Japanese media and follow pop-culture, current events, history, and many other things in the original language, allowing for a deeper connection to Japan traditional and pop culture. This certificate is developed to prepare students for this growing need in the job market and to provide the Japanese language and cultural competency needed for career opportunities in the fields of entertainment, education, interpretation/translation, hospitality/ tourism, banking/finance, government/immigration, sales/customer service, and other relevant fields. Furthermore, students seeking to work for international Japanese-speaking companies with offices in the USA and Japan could also benefit from this certificate as it certifies the accomplishment and knowledge of the language. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate proficiency in understanding and using, orally, the grammatical structures presented and vocabulary assigned 2. Demonstrate proficiency in understanding and using, in writing, the grammatical structures presented and vocabulary assigned Required Core JAPN 1A Beginning Japanese 5 JAPN 1B Elementary Japanese 5 JAPN 2A Intermediate Japanese 4 JAPN 2B Advanced Japanese 4 Total 18