Chabot College 2024-2026 271 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, HUMN, ID 65 The American Style 3 Units Humanities of the United States. Major works of literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, films, music, philosophy, science, religion and political and social institutions. Particular attention to values and meanings that reflect the American cultural experience, specifically the crisscrossing dynamics of race, ethnicity, gender, religion and class in American society. Lecture: 54 hours 68 World Mythology 3 Units Introduction to mythic themes recurring in global literature, Key theories and a variety of myths from around the world will be read, analyzed, and discussed. Course will focus on broad themes and theories, which will include at least five of the following: classic approaches to mythology, including cosmogonic origins, historical events, and natural explanation; archetypes, both character and plot; ritual; religion; forms of narrative, folklore, chronology, cosmogony; sacred space; symbol and language; and cultural appropriation. (Formerly HUMN 28) Lecture: 54 hours INTERIOR DESIGN (ID) Degrees AS Interior Design Certificates of Achievement Interior Design (Residential) Kitchen and Bath Design INTERIOR DESIGN Associate in Science This two-year diploma program prepares students to design commercial, office, retail, institutional and residential solutions to real design problems. The program emphasizes residential space planning, creative problem-solving, communication skills, knowledge of building materials and construction, furnishings, presentation, conventional and computer-aided design drafting, and the history of design. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Develop functional interior spaces. 2. Draw appropriate floor plans 3. Demonstrates an understanding of professional practices Year One ART 23 2-D Foundations 3 ID 48 Drafting for Interior Design 3 ID 49 (same as ARCH 3) Digital Tools for Design and Visual Communication 3 ID 50 Residential Space Planning 3 ID 54 Principles of Interior Design 3 ID 55 Introduction to Textiles 3 ID 58 Fundamentals of Lighting 3 Year Two ID 51 Digital Drafting Principles I 3 ID 52 History of Interiors and Furnishings 3 ID 56 Professional Practices 3 ID 60 Materials and Resources 3 ID 62 Kitchen and Bathroom Design 3 ID 72 Commercial Interior Design 3 ID 73 Digital Drafting Principles II 3 Major Requirements 42 Units General Education Requirements 22 Units Electives (Degree applicable Units as needed) 0 Units Total 64 Units INTERIOR DESIGN (RESIDENTIAL) Certificate of Achievement This certificate prepares students to design and focus on residential solutions to real design problems. The certificate emphasizes space planning, creative problem-solving, communication skills, knowledge of building materials and construction, furnishings, presentation, conventional and computer aided design drafting, and the history of design. Program Learning Outcomes 1. Develop functional interior spaces 2. Draw appropriate floor plans 3. Demonstrates an understanding of professional practices Core Courses ART 23 2-D Foundations 3 ID 48 Drafting for Interior Design 3 ID 49 (same as ARCH 3) Digital Tools for Design and Visual Communication 3 ID 50 Residential Space Planning 3 ID 51 Digital Drafting Principles I 3 ID 52 History of Interiors and Furnishings 3 ID 54 Principles of Interior Design 3 ID 55 Introduction to Textiles 3 ID 56 Professional Practices 3 ID 58 Fundamentals of Lighting 3 ID 60 Materials and Resources 3 ID 62 Kitchen and Bathroom Design 3 or ID 72 Commercial Interior Design 3 ID 73 Digital Drafting Principles II 3 Total 39