270 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, HIT, HUMN 47 Medical Insurance and Reimbursement Methodologies 3 Units Introduction to the basics of medical insurance billing. Current payment methodologies in the inpatient, hospital outpatient, and physician office settings. Focus on compliance with regulatory requirements and common billing practices. Lecture: 54 hours 48 Medical Coding 1 4 Units Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10-CM) and Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) coding in an out-patient setting. Utilize rules, principles, guidelines, conventions, state and federal regulations, documentation requirements, electronic and manual coding applications to effectively code in ambulatory care settings. This course will focus on coding for integumentary, musculoskeletal, respiratory, hemic, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive and urinary systems. Lecture: 72 hours Prerequisite: HIT 41, HIT 43, HIT 44 and HIT 45. 49 Medical Coding 2 4 Units Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10-CM) and Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) coding in an out-patient setting. Utilize rules, principles, guidelines, conventions, state and federal regulations, documentation requirements, electronic and manual coding applications to effectively code in ambulatory care settings. This course will focus on coding for reproductive, endocrine, and nervous systems as well as radiology, pathology, laboratory and medicine. Lecture: 72 hours Prerequisite: HIT 41, HIT 43, HIT 44 and HIT 45. HUMANITIES (HUMN) Degrees AA Humanities HUMANITIES Associate in Arts The humanities seek to render an integrative and critical examination of the human achievements in art, literature, philosophy and music. This approach will broaden and enrich the students’ appreciation of human values derived from the creative forces as expressed in the arts. Courses offered in this curriculum meet general education and transfer requirements and may be applied to a major in humanities for an Associate in Arts degree. Program Learning Outcomes 1. For oral and/or written form, discuss both objective and subjective responses to a work of art (literary, performing, or fine). 2. For oral and/or written form, differentiate between the arts as personal expression and the arts as socially transformative. Freshman Year HIS 1 History of Western Civilization to 1600 3 HUMN 68 World Mythology 3 PHIL 50 Introduction to Philosophy 3 RELS 50 Religions of the World 3 Sophomore Year HIS 2 History of Western Civilization Since 1600 3 HUMN 65 The American Style 3 or HUMN 60 Creativity and the Community 3 PHIL 60 Ethics 3 or PHIL 65 Introduction to Philosophy: Theory of Knowledge 3 or PHIL 70 Social and Political Philosophy 3 Option (Choose 6 units from at least 2 different disciplines) ARTH 4 Art History-Ancient to Gothic 3 ARTH 5 Art History - Renaissance to Modern-Day 3 MUSL 1 Introduction to Music 3 MUSL 3 World Music 3 THTR 10 Introduction to Theater Arts 3 THTR 14 American Cultures in Theater 3 Major Requirements 27 Units General Education Requirements 28 Units Electives (Degree applicable Units as needed) 5 Units Total 60 Units HUMANITIES (HUMN) COURSES 60 Creativity and the Community 3 Units The Arts as an expression of the community; the relationship between creativity and community; the artist as the conscience of society and the role of the audience in completing an artwork. Themes include the artist as prophet, art as transformative experience, the arts and social justice, and the shock of the new. Lecture: 54 hours