Chabot College 2024-2026 263 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, GNST, HLTH 52A Introduction to Student Leadership 2 Units All students interested in learning effective community organizing and advocacy are encouraged to enroll in this course. Training in student leadership, advocacy and governance, incorporating practical application of student leadership skills. Includes but is not limited to conducting and attending meetings, organizing student initiatives, and planning campus events. Students will attend and participate in Student Senate meetings, student clubs, and Shared Governance meetings to receive credit for this course. Lecture: 36 hours 52B Student Leadership II 2 Units Students will continue to explore additional opportunities for community organizing and advocacy. Additional development of student leadership, advocacy and governance skills incorporating heightened practical application and effectiveness. Students will continue to attend and participate at an enhanced skill level in Student Senate meetings, student clubs and Shared Governance meetings to receive credit for this course. Lecture: 36 hours Prerequisite: GNST 52A 115 Support with Writing and Reading (See also ENGL 115 ) 0.5-3 Units This credit course provides whole group, small group, laboratory, and individualized support with writing and reading assignments. Students meet regularly with an English 115 instructor during one of three open hours, as well as with WRAC tutors and WRAC English/ ESL instructors, on a customized learning plan. Students will improve their academic reading skills, and/or their composition or sentence- level writing skills. Students may repeat this course until mastery of skills is met, not to exceed 3 units of credit course work. This class is intended to assist and prepare students to be successful in college-level credit coursework. Laboratory: 27-162 hours HEALTH (HLTH) HEALTH (HLTH) COURSES 1 Introduction to Personal Health 3 Units This course focuses on the exploration of major health issues and behaviors in the various dimensions of health. Emphasis is placed on individual responsibility for personal health and the promotion of informed, positive health behaviors. Topics include nutrition, exercise, weight control, mental health, stress management, violence, substance abuse, reproductive health, disease prevention, aging, healthcare, and environmental hazards and safety. Lecture: 54 hours 4 Women and Health 3 Units Health issues that affect women in contemporary American society. Exploration of current health concerns, legislation, medical practices, media, personal attitudes and behaviors that promote health and wellness. Emphasis on diversity of women’s health experiences and factors involved with both the population level health outcomes and individual decision-making. Focus of this course is on empowerment for primary prevention. Lecture: 54 hours 8 Human Sexuality (See also PSY 8 , SOCI 8 ) 3 Units This course is an introductory overview of the field of human sexuality. Human sexuality in our contemporary society will be studied from the psychological, biological, sociocultural, and historical perspectives. Emphasis on understanding the interrelationship of attitude and behavior as it relates to sexual well-being and sexual integrity. Students will be encouraged to examine their own attitudes, values, and behaviors in the context of their moral compass and their culture and societal values. Current sex norms and various aspects of interpersonal and individual sexual adjustment will be explored. Lecture: 54 hours 16 Healthy Weight Loss 3 Units This course focuses on physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of weight management and health choices. Emphasis on acquiring knowledge and developing life skills necessary to achieve a healthy weight for improved wellness and disease prevention. Principles of positive psychology, evidence-based health practices, behavioral change strategies, and designing your life for whole-person wellness discussed. Lecture: 54 hours 18 Introduction to Public Health (See also APHC 9702 , BIOS 18 ) 3 Units This course provides an introduction to the discipline of Public Health. Students will gain an understanding of the basic concepts and terminologies of public health, will learn the history and accomplishments of public health officials and agencies, and will do in-depth examination of core public health disciplines. Topics include the epidemiology of infectious and chronic disease; prevention and control of diseases in the community including the analysis of the social determinants of health and strategies for eliminating disease, illness and health disparities among various populations; community organizing and health promotion programming; environmental health and safety; global health; and healthcare policy and management. May not receive credit if BIOL 18, BIOS 18 or APHC 9702 have been completed sucessfully. Formerly HTLH 80. Lecture: 54 hours 40 Introduction to Health Professions 1.5 Units This course is an overview of the diverse occupations in the health and wellness field. Students will be introduced to careers spanning public and community heath services, therapeutic services, patient support, diagnostics and medical technology, mental health, and personal wellbeing. Academic program requirements for each will be explored as well as the skills and personal characteristics needed in these professions. Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 36 hours