262 Chabot College 2024-2026 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, GEOS, GNST 9 The Planets 3 Units Understanding the planets in our solar system, from rocky bodies to gas giants, and how they came to be. Introduction to the fundamentals of planetary geology, and how to apply these concepts to smaller planetary bodies, such as asteroids and moons. Learn how Earth became habitable and the search for life in our solar system and beyond. Topics include solar system and planet formation, solar system bombardment history, planetary geochemistry and geophysics, and astrobiology. Lecture: 54 hours 11 Physical Geology 3 Units The Earth, its materials, its internal and external processes, and its development through time. Emphasis is placed on a thorough global understanding of Plate Tectonics as a framework and foundation for subsequent geologic topics and concepts. Topics include volcanoes, earthquakes and seismology, the Geologic Time Scale and the formation of the earth, rocks and minerals, hydrology, erosion, beach systems, environmental geology, glaciation, groundwater, etc. Course content includes the historical development of key geologic concepts. The course is a foundation course for both the non-science major and majors in the Earth sciences and environmental sciences. Lecture: 54 hours 11L Physical Geology Lab 1 Unit Laboratory course to supplement the physical geology lecture course. Introduction to the materials and techniques of geology. Includes minerals, rocks, topographic and geologic maps, structural geology, identification and interpretation of landforms, geologic time and relative age dating analysis, etc. Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: GEOS 11 May be taken concurrently 12 Introduction to Oceanography 3 Units An introduction to the oceans, methods of sea-going research; physical and chemical properties of sea water; marine geology; causes and effects of currents, tides, and waves; shoreline processes; basic types of marine life, habitats and ecosystems; distribution of marine resources; the geologic record of ocean sediments, and the effects of climate change on the ocean. Lecture: 54 hours GENERAL STUDIES (GNST) GENERAL STUDIES (GNST) COURSES 1 Introduction to Online Learning 0.5 Unit Introduction to Online Learning and the district-provided Learning Management System. Review of strategies for success as an online student, including online learning expectations and time management techniques. Lecture: 9 hours 10 Faculty Assistant Experience for Potential Teachers 1-2 Units Work as a faculty assistant to gain a variety of experiences related to teaching and learning tasks. May not assist in course sections in which enrolled. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and Office of Academic Services. Laboratory: 45-90 hours Prerequisite: consent of instructor and Office of Academic Services 32A Social Justice Leadership 3 Units Students will learn about the theory and practice of leadership using social justice values and methods, including strategies to challenge inequity and inequality in the community. Students will analyze, dissect, and discuss social justice leadership theories and skills while they organize, coordinate and plan advocacy events and activities to support Chabot College students and the CIN! Community’s commitment to create, including but not limited to, racial, social, and economic equality. Students will work specifically within the CIN program to achieve these goals. Lecture: 54 hours Strongly Recommended: It is strongly recommended that students enrolled in this class have completed at least one course in Change It Now! Learning Community., Another CIN! Course 32B Social Justice Leadership Intermediate 2 Units Further development of leadership practice in social justice values and methods. Students organize, coordinate and plan advocacy events and activities to support Chabot College students, specifically the CIN program. Lecture: 36 hours Prerequisite: GNST 32A 33A Student Leadership and the African American Experience 3 Units Leadership development course through the lens of the African and African American experience. Students will research, discuss, and apply leadership theories, models, values and skills to develop their own leadership capacity and to support other students and build community. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 36 hours Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1A It is strongly recommended that students enrolled in this class have completed at least 12 units at Chabot College, including English 1A. 33B Student Leadership and the African American Experience 3 Units Development of a leadership vision, strategy and theory that focuses on African and African American leaders past and present. Individual and team design of projects that advance the academic achievement of African American, and other historically under-resourced students. Mentoring of upcoming new leaders to help them acquire leadership skills and practice. Lecture: 36 hours Laboratory: 36 hours Prerequisite: GNST 33A