Chabot College 2024-2026 257 CREDIT COURSE LISTING, FT 5 Fire Protection Systems 3 Units This course provides information relating to the features of design and operation of fire alarm systems, water-based fire suppression systems, special hazard fire suppression systems, water supply for fire protection and portable fire extinguishers. This course is intended for students majoring in Fire Technology and Fire Prevention Inspector, or anyone interested in fire protection. (May not receive credit if Fire Tech 55 has been completed.) Lecture: 54 hours Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A, Strongly Recommended: FT 1 or FT 50. 6 Building Construction for Fire Protection 3 Units This course provides the components of building construction related to firefighter and life safety. The elements of construction and design of structures are shown to be key factors when inspecting buildings, preplanning fire operations, and operating at emergencies. Other topics include the development and evolution of building and fire codes in relation to past fires in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. This course is intended for students majoring in Fire Technology and Fire Prevention Inspector, or anyone interested in fire protection. (May not receive credit if Fire Tech 56 has been completed.) Lecture: 54 hours Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1A, Strongly Recommended: FT 1 or FT 50. 7 Health and Fitness for the Fire Service 3 Units Health, wellness and physical fitness are examined from a global and occupational viewpoint. Emphasis on the Seven Dimensions of Wellness from a Fire Service perspective. An introduction to concepts of lifetime fitness and wellness with an emphasis on physical fitness and lifestyle choices. Lecture: 54 hours 10 Introduction to Fire Fighter I Academy 1.5 Units This course provides an orientation to the Fire Fighter I Academy and introduces the applied operation and maintenance of basic rescue and fire suppression apparatus and equipment. Topics include radio communications, ropes, ladders, hose, personal protective equipment, tool operations, maintenance, and physical fitness training. This course is required for students preparing to apply to the Fire Fighter I Academy at Chabot College. (May not receive credit if Fire Tech 89 and Fire Tech 51W have been completed.) Lecture: 18 hours Laboratory: 27 hours Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 1, Eligibility for MTH 53, Prerequisite: FT 50 or FT 1 or concurrent enrollment and EMS 1 or concurrent enrollment and FT 88A or concurrent enrollment Strongly Recommended: EMS 2 and EMS 2W FT 52 or FT 2 and FT 53 or FT 3 FT 56 or FT 6 INDT 74. 11 Fire Fighter I Academy 17 Units This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the entry- level firefighter, career or volunteer, to perform his/her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the NFPA 1001 Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, the NFPA 1051 Standard for Wildland Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, and the NFPA 472 Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents. The seven overarching themes of the California State Fire Fighter I curriculum are: general knowledge germane to the profession, fire department communications, fireground operations, rescue operations, preparedness and maintenance, wildland suppression activities, and hazardous materials/WMD. The course emphasizes the requirements of the California State Board of Fire Services Certified Firefighter I training, International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) standards, Professional Qualifications (ProBoard) requirements, and Cal Fire Wildland Firefighter-Basic training. This course, combined with Firefighter I Academy Skills Review and Certification, satisfies all training requirements for the IFSAC Firefighter I certification. Certificates of Completion for Fire Fire Fighter I Academy and Cal Fire Basic Firefighter issued with a grade of “C” or better. Lecture: 162 hours Laboratory: 432 hours Prerequisite: FT 10 or FT 89 and FT 51W. 11CAP Fire Fighter I Capstone Testing 1.5 Units This course prepares students to meet the State Fire Training (SFT) requirements for Fire Fighter I (FFI) including the capstone knowledge and skills necessary to pass. Upon successful completion, students will receive a pass letter from SFT. The course is 4 hours lecture, 71 hours laboratory: 40 hours skills practice, 3 hours certification written exam, and 24 hours certification skills evaluation. Lecture: 4 hours Laboratory: 71 hours Prerequisite: FT 90C or FT 11 Equivalent training to FT 11 or Completion of a Fire Fighter I Academy 88A Introduction to Fire Fitness Training 1 Unit This course is designed to prepare the Fire Technology student for the physical rigors of FT89 and the Chabot Fire Academy. Course sessions will address aspects of physical training, ladder and hydrant operations and knots utilized in the Fire Service. May not receive credit if PEAC FFT has been completed. Laboratory: 54 hours 88B Intermediate Fire Fitness Training 1 Unit This course is designed to further the physical fitness and vocational skills of the fire technology student. Course sessions will consist of physical training and continuing fire service skills development. May not receive credit if PEAC FFT1 has been completed. Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: FT 88A or PEAC FFT. 88C Advanced Fire Fitness Training 1 Unit Designed to increase the skill and fitness levels developed in FFT 2 or FT 88B, intermediate fire fitness training. May not receive credit if PEAC FFT 2 has been completed. Laboratory: 54 hours Prerequisite: FT 88B or PEAC FFT1.